Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Writer Writes

I remember talking to another aspiring writer at a book signing several months ago (sadly not one of our books) and she said something that really stuck.

"Anything worth writing is worth writing poorly."

That is an interesting theory and I can agee with it in some ways.

First, get your idea on paper, whether it be a quick jot on a napkin or a thorough outline. Get it down and flesh it out. Otherwise you might put it off until you forget it. I have a handy little notepad app on my Android phone that lets me save all the little ideas that pop into my head at any givin time (except for driving!)

Next, write the story. Unless you are a writing prodigy you will have many rewrites. Its all a part of the writing process. The more you write your story the better it will be, just don't over focus on perfection.

Any practice is good practice. So write your story poorly, just to get it down. You can always polish it up in the rewrites.

Just remember that a writer writes, always!

Love & Luck,

Stephanie Dawn Callahan

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Walk with me...

Welcome fellow wanderers.

My name is Stephanie Dawn Callahan and I am an aspiring writer and torturer of characters.

"Torturer of characters?" you ask.

Oh yes, because nothing grabs and holds the attention than seeing just how much a character can endure, putting them to their breaking points and beyond.

For some it gives the power to face their own trials. "If Jessie can survive a kidnapping and chase through the dark woods only to fall into a pit trap and survive by drinking rain water until the hunky conservation agent Gavin rescues her; I can make it through this lunch meeting without sporking the presenter in the eye."

You become the characters, sharing their triumphs and sorrows, biting your nails in suspense and yelling at evilly masterful cliff hangers.

Books provide the ultimate escape and I can only hope that one day I can provide a little escape for your pleasure.

Love & Luck,

Stephanie Dawn Callahan